Version 7.1.4 of the Windows Toolkit Released
1. Tiff-split in PDF Format
The tiff-split feature of the toolkit is now able to output in both tiff and pdf format. Note that the .Net component requires installation of the PDF Extension to do this where as the DLL, OCX and COM interfaces do not. If the PDF Extension is installed then the toolkit is also able to split a PDF file into smaller parts. Note that PDF files are rasterized before being split.
2. Java Interface Extended
The Java interface has been extended to include tiff-split functionality.
3. PdfDpi default value changed
The default value of the PdfDpi property (the resolution at which PDF files are rasterized) has been changed from 200 to 300.
4. Patch Code Recognition
Previous versions of the toolkit would output false positive results if ReadPatchCodes was set to True and MinOccurrence and PrefOccurrence were left at default values, but version 7.1.4 imposes a minimum hit count for patch codes of 30. This value can only be changed via the LoadXMLSettings method/function by setting the property PatchCodeMinOccurrence.
5. PDF-417 Recognition
Improvements have been made to PDF-417 recognition, which allow the toolkit to cope with larger variations in the width of columns.