VBScripting Example
The following VBScript shows how to create a tool that will read the value of a barcode from an image and write the value to a text file. Make sure that SofteATL.dll has been registered before attempting to run. This can be done by right clicking on REGISTER.BAT and selecting “Run as Administrator”.
Dim input, output If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 2 Then MsgBox("Usage myscript.vbs input_image output_text") WScript.Quit End If Set oBarcode = CreateObject("SoftekATL.Barcode") Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments.Unnamed input = oArgs.Item(0) output = oArgs.Item(1) oBarcode.ScanBarCode(input) n = oBarcode.BarCodeCount Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(output) If n > 0 Then f.WriteLine(oBarcode.barstring(1)) End If
On most systems the above script could be called as follows:
myscript.vbs <input image> <output text>
myscript.vbs input.tif output.txt
Note that the above script is only an example and is not part of our supported toolkit.