Softek Barcode SDK for Win 8.2.1 Released
Softek SDK for Win 8.2.1 Released with the following changes and enhancements:
Important: A new license key will be required for this version of the SDK.
Quality Score – each bar code is now assigned a quality score between 1 and 5. The score can be used either to assist in development or as a monitor in production systems to detect problems with bar code printing or scanning before it becomes critical.
Call GetBarStringQualityScore to get a score between 1 and 5 that indicates the quality of the barcode. A score of 1 indicates a low quality barcode and a score of 5 indicates a high quality barcode. The quality score depends on the clarity of the barcode in the image but can also vary as settings are changed within the toolkit, especially settings that add filters to the image prior to the recognition process. The quality score can be used to tune the recognition process both in terms of scanner settings and toolkit settings and can also be used in production to monitor for changes in the quality of the scanning process.
How to interpret the quality score: For 1 –D barcodes:
1 = Very low quality barcode and similar barcodes may not decode. Take action to improve scan quality. Barcodes with a score of 1 may be omitted from results when other barcodes with a higher score are found in the same image.
2 = Low quality barcode. Take action to improve scan quality.
3 = Acceptable barcode quality but worth considering toolkit settings such as noise reduction, despeckle and median filter.
4 or 5 = Good quality barcode. No action required.
Common reasons for a low score with 1-D bar codes include:
- Black and/or white speckles in the bar code zone.
- Distortions in the width of the bars.
- Bars touching each other
- Broken bars – i.e. the spaces between bars touching each other.
- Skewed barcode.
A low score for a 2-D bar code will indicate that a high level of error correction was required. A score of 1 means recognition was at the borderline and any further reduction in quality would result in failure.
Update for Debenu PDF library to version 13, which means that the toolkit now supports PDFium.
Default for PdfLocking changed from 1 to 2
The following Advanced properties have now been added as properties to most interfaces of the toolkit:
Code128DebugMode, Code128Lenient, Code128SearchLevel, Code39MaxRatioPcnt ,DataMatrixAutoUTF8, DataMatrixFinderGapTolerance, MedianFilterBias, PDF417MacroEscapeBackslash, PatchCodeMinOccurrence, Pdf417AutoUTF8, Pdf417ChannelMode, Pdf417Debug, PdfLocking, QRCodeAutoMedianFilter, QRCodeAutoUTF8, QrCodeReadInverted, QuotedPrintableCharSet, RotateBy45IfNoBarcode, UseOldCode128Algorithm, UseRunCache WeightLongerBarcodes