Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit for Windows Version has been released
Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit for Windows Version has been released with the following improvements and fixes:
Code 128 recognition
Performance improvement in Code 128 recognition. New advanced property called Code128SearchLevel added…
Code128SearchLevel controls the amount of processor time spent on trying to detect Code 128 barcodes. There are 3 levels with 1 being the fastest and 3 the slowest.
QR-Code Recognition
Quiet zones now enforced correctly in black and white images, giving a performance increase.
Improvement to function that compares points in barcodes with those of existing barcodes, giving a performance improvement.
PDF Documents
Added a new advanced property called PdfLocking that controls access to PDF documents.
This controls what sort of process level locking control is used over access to PDF documents.
0 = no locking
1 = only lock when rendering
2 = always lock
DataMatrix Recognition
Added a new advanced property called DataMatrixParams to allow changes to the recognition of
data matrix timer patterns.
PDF417 recognition
Improved recognition of PDF417 barcodes that have a large variance in column width.