ScanBarCode - scan an image for barcodes
.net/com/java/ocx: Object.ScanBarCode(file)
dll: mtScanBarCode(hBarcode, file)
hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only).
file Path to the file containing the image to be scanned for barcodes.
Return Value
-1 Error opening file
-2 BMP file is multi-plane
-3 Invalid number of bits per sample
-4 Memory allocation error
-5 Invalid tif photometric property
-6,-7,-8 Invalid license key.
Scan the specified image file for bar code strings and return the number of bar codes found in the file. Note that the function will stop when the first barcode is found in a document unless the MulipleRead property is set to True.
Win32 dll declarations:
Private Declare Function mtScanBarCode Lib “SoftekBarcode” (ByVal hBarcode As System.IntPtr, ByVal strFile As String) As Short
Visual C++:
extern “C” {
short __stdcall mtScanBarCode(HANDLE hBarcode, LPCTSTR file);