How to migrate from BardecodeFiler Desktop to BardecodeFiler Service
Steps to BardecodeFiler Desktop to BardecodeFiler Service:
1. Save your current BardecodeFiler settings to an “ini” file.
2. Right click on BardecodeFiler and select “Run as admin”
3. Go to Options/Service Settings/BardecodeFiler Service
4. Import the settings from the “ini” file.
5. Adjust the input/output/processed and exception folders (they do not get imported).
6. Set your license key.
7. Save and exit.
8. Head to Services in the Control panel and find the BardecodeFiler Service.
9. Right click and select properties and set the Log On user to match the user id that you were using with the desktop version.
10. Change the start up type to Automatic.
11. Start the service.
12. If it doesn’t work then look at the file C:\ProgramData\Softek Software\BardecodeFiler\BarFilerService.txt. This is the main log file for the service.