Important change to the iPhone SDK
Apple’s iTunes store is no longer accepting applications that use the UIGetScreenImage function. This function was used in the sample application distributed with the Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit for the iPhone and any applications developed using this technique will no longer be accepted on the iTunes store. Apple recommends using the AVCaptureSession class to access frames from the video camera and Softek has developed a new project (available from the downloads page) that uses this technique. Since the AVCaptureSession class is only available in IOS 4, any developers wishing to use the barcode toolkit and publish their applications through the iTunes store must target IOS 4 and cannot support IOS 3.
In summary:
Any application that use the Bardecode class containing the UIGetScreenImage function will not be accepted by iTunes.
Applications using the new Bardecode class will only work on IOS 4.
The following link may be of interest…