When distributing SoftekBarcodeLib2.dll you may find that you get a “side by side” error message which references the component. For Version 7.4.1 and later… For x86 based systems, the solution is to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) from the following link: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=a5c84275-3b97-4ab7-a40d-3802b2af5fc2&displaylang=en For x64 based systems, the solution is to install the Microsoft
This article explains how to correlate the output files produced during a tiff split process against the barcode values returned by GetBarString. The algorithm shown here assumes default split mode (TiffSplitMode = 0) and handles multiple barcodes on a single page and the possibility of no barcode on the first page. The code below uses
As the toolkit scans the images in a document, it assigns a “hit-count” to each barcode-like pattern it finds. The hit-count for a very clear barcode will typically be in the region 20 to 100, depending on the size of the barcode and the settings used within the sdk. The PrefOccurrence and MinOccurrence properties specify hit-count levels
PHP developers may be interested in the following link to an interface to the Softek barcode Reader Toolkit for Linux: http://github.com/mkoppanen/php-bardecode Many thanks to Mikko Koppanen.
2-D barcode formats such as PDF-417 can encode a huge character set, which means that the barcode reader toolkit needs to encode characters outside the normal ASCII range. If the Encoding property is set to 2 then the toolkit will use Unicode encoding, whereby characters can be represented by the string &#N; where N is
UPC-A barcodes are a subset of EAN-13. For example, the UPC-A barcode “016000336100” is the same as the EAN-13 barcode “0016000336100”. In fact, UPC-A barcodes are the sub-set of EAN-13 barcodes that start with a 0. The ReadEAN13 property controls whether any barcodes of type EAN-13 are recognized – and this includes UPC-A, whether or
The SkewTolerance property is used for the detection of barcodes in skewed documents, but it can have a negative impact on the performance of the ScanBarCode command, especially when reading PDf-417 and Datamatrix barcodes. One solution to this problem is to use xml settings, which allow you to store sets of properties which are applied
The SDK can be used to convert from TIFF to PDF format as part of the “tiff split” functionality. If the input file for the ScanBarCode method is in TIFF format and the TifSplitPath property is set to a value ending with “.pdf”, then the toolkit will split the input file into sub-files in PDF
2-D barcode formats such as PDF-417 can encode a huge character set, which means that the barcode reader toolkit needs to encode characters outside the normal ASCII range. If the Encoding property is set to 2 then the toolkit will use Unicode encoding, whereby characters can be represented by the string &#N; where N is
Delphi 2009 developers may have found some problems passing strings to and from the toolkit. This seems to be down to unicode support in Delphi 2009 and can be resolved with some simple code changes. For example, in previous versions of Delphi you might have code similar to: NumCodes:=stScanBarCode(PChar(OpenDialog1.FileName)); …but in Delphi 9 this needs