This article shows how to convert a string that has been double encoded using UTF-8. For example, say you have the string Müller instead of the string Müller. How did it happen? The letter ü is encoded in UTF-8 as 2 bytes: 195 and 188 If you encoded the bytes again then the 195 converts to
One change in version of the sdk and version 1.8.1 of BardecodeFiler that has caused some backward compatibility issues is in the area of regular expressions. This version uses Microsoft RegEx matching and one important difference lies in the use of {} brackets. In previous versions of the sdk you could use the following
Developers working with our Barcode Reader SDK for IOS may have noticed that the video preview window no longer fills the entire screen in our example XCode project. The following screen shot shows the problem with out the bars at the top and bottom of the screen… To make the preview screen fill the entire
Here’s some example code that you can use in an Excel VBA macro… Before you begin, make sure you have downloaded and installed the barcode reader sdk for windows, and run REGISTER.BAT as administrator in the bin folder. Set Barcode = CreateObject(“SoftekBarcodeCOM.Barcode”) ‘ Set the license key here Barcode.LicenseKey = “MY LICENSE KEY” Barcode.ScanDirection =
Using the Softek Barcode Reader SDK to read barcodes from images in a VB.Net project is very straight foward and this article should get you up and running in under 15 minutes… Step 1. Download the barcode reader sdk from here If you are using a 64-bit system and want to handle PDF documents then please
Using the Softek Barcode Reader SDK with Delphi is pretty straight forward and we include a full example project with our download. This page aims to get you up and running in less than 15 minutes… Note that this example uses the win32 DLL interface to the SDK – if you would rather use the
Using the Softek Barcode Reader SDK with Delphi is pretty straight forward and we include a full example project with our download. This page aims to get you up and running in less than 15 minutes… Note that this example uses the COM interface to the SDK. If you would rather use the win32 DLL
If you have an array of UTF-8 bytes and want to convert them into a String then the following may help… As you may know, UTF-8 is a way of encoding every character in the Unicode character set using a variable number of byte per character. For example, the letter A just needs 1 byte
Using the SDK with Real Studio on Windows is pretty straight forward and version of the SDK now includes a full example. Anyhow, here’s what you need to do to get barcode reading working with Real Basic… Step 1. Download the barcode reader sdk from here Step 2. Navigate to where the sdk was installed
So what’s the easiest way to integrate barcode reading into your app? Whilst it’s possible to integrate the Softek Barcode Reader into your Android app through our java class and jni library, it’s also possible to simply call our Bardecoder app direct from your own app with a minimal amount of work. The following article