We are pleased to announce the release of Version 7.5.1 of the Linux SDK. Existing customers with support and upgrade cover will be contacted in due course. This update brings the Linux SDK in line with the Windows variant with the introduction of support for the ubiquitous QR-Code and significant improvements to Datamatrix and PDF-417 recognition. The new
We are pleased to announce the minor release for the Windows SDK, V, which has various improvements. One of the biggest changes is the improved handling of skewed QR-Codes, which can now tolerate a far greater amount of skew. If you are an existing customer then you are welcome to upgrade for free, the
Old Style Jpeg Compression (tag value 6) is an obsolete compression format that has now been superseded by ‘new style’ Jpeg compression (tag value 7) and should be avoided if possible. Softek products have limited support for files written using this format but best results will be obtained by switching to either the ‘new-style’ Jpeg
This article shows how to convert a string that has been double encoded using UTF-8. For example, say you have the string Müller instead of the string Müller. How did it happen? The letter ü is encoded in UTF-8 as 2 bytes: 195 and 188 If you encoded the bytes again then the 195 converts to
One change in version of the sdk and version 1.8.1 of BardecodeFiler that has caused some backward compatibility issues is in the area of regular expressions. This version uses Microsoft RegEx matching and one important difference lies in the use of {} brackets. In previous versions of the sdk you could use the following
Developers working with our Barcode Reader SDK for IOS may have noticed that the video preview window no longer fills the entire screen in our example XCode project. The following screen shot shows the problem with out the bars at the top and bottom of the screen… To make the preview screen fill the entire
We have recently added the capability to restore default settings with a single click in the BardecodeFiler application and the SDK Demo. The reset button can be found under the ‘import/export’ tab in ‘options’ and restores default settings. It is worth noting that it does not reset the file paths for input and output directories.
Here’s some example code that you can use in an Excel VBA macro… Before you begin, make sure you have downloaded and installed the barcode reader sdk for windows, and run REGISTER.BAT as administrator in the bin folder. Set Barcode = CreateObject(“SoftekBarcodeCOM.Barcode”) ‘ Set the license key here Barcode.LicenseKey = “MY LICENSE KEY” Barcode.ScanDirection =
With scanned images it is not uncommon to have noisy documents which can produce false readings. However this can be dealt with using Softek’s software through the methods shown below. 1. Turn off barcode types you do not need to read. For example, say the c53e barcode is of type CODABAR and the barcodes
We often receive emails suggesting that the SDK is outputting incorrect characters at the start or end of a Codabar barcode. This is normally down to confusion over how codabar characters should be interpreted at the end of a barcode…. Codabar barcodes can start and end with with of 4 patterns: bars 0100, Spaces