Syntax .net: System.Drawing.Rectangle Object.GetBarStringRect(n) Object.GetBarStringPage(n) com: Object.BarStringPage(n) Object.BarStringTopLeftX(n) Object.BarStringTopLeftY(n) Object.BarStringBottomRightX(n) Object.BarStringBottomRightY(n) ocx: pageNo = Object.GetBarStringPos(n, &TopLeftX &TopLeftY, &BottomRightX, &BottomRightY) dll: pageNo = mtGetBarStringPos(hBarcode, n, &TopLeftX, &TopLeftY, &BottomRightX, &BottomRightY) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). n 1-based index to barcode to be queried. TopLeftX variable to receive x coordinate of the top left hand
Syntax .net/java/ocx: Object.GetBarStringType(n) com: Object.BarStringType(n) dll: mtGetBarStringType(hBarcode, n) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). n 1-based index to barcode to be queried. Return Value GetBarStringType returns a string representing the type of barcode. In .net applications, use System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi to convert the IntPtr returned by mtGetBarString to a String. Remarks Call GetBarStringType after calling
Syntax Loading from xml file: .net/java: Object.LoadXMLSettings(file) com/ocx: Object.LoadXMLSettings(file, silent) dll: mtLoadXMLSettings(hbarcode, file, silent) Loading from string: .net/java: Object.LoadXMLSettings(string) com/ocx: Object.LoadXMLSettings(string, silent) dll: mtLoadXMLSettings(hbarcode, string, silent) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). file Path to the xml file to be loaded. string String holding the xml property values. silent Integer or boolean value. 1/True will suppress error messages.
Syntax .net: Integer Object.ProcessXML (inputFile, outputFile) com: Object. ProcessXML (inputFile, outputFile, silent) ocx: BOOL Object. ProcessXML (inputFile, outputFile, silent) dll: BOOL mtProcessXML (hbarcode, inputFile, outputFile, silent) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). inputFile Path to the xml file to be processed. ouputFile Path to the xml or csv file to be created. silent Integer or boolean value. 1/True will suppress error messages. Return
Overview .net/ocx: Object.SaveResults (file) com: Object. SaveXMLResults (file) dll: mtSaveResults (hbarcode, file) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). file Path to the xml or csv file to be created. Return Value 1/True on success and 0/False on failure. Remarks SaveResults saves the current set of results to an XML or CSV file. The outputFile format is determined
Syntax .net/com/java/ocx: Object.ScanBarCode(file) dll: mtScanBarCode(hBarcode, file) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). file Path to the file containing the image to be scanned for barcodes. Return Value -1 Error opening file -2 BMP file is multi-plane -3 Invalid number of bits per sample -4 Memory allocation error -5 Invalid tif photometric property -6,-7,-8 Invalid license key. Remarks Scan
Syntax .net: Object.ScanBarCodeFromBitmap(bitmap) .net/com/ocx: Object.ScanBarCodeFromBitmap(hBitmap) dll: mtScanBarCodeFromBitmap(hBarcode, hBitmap) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). bitmap System.Drawing.Bitmap object hBitmap handle (HBITMAP) to a bitmap. Return Value -1 N/A -2 Bitmap is multi-plane -3 Invalid number of bits per sample -4 Memory allocation error -5 N/A -6,-7,-8 Invalid license key. Remarks Scan the specified device dependent bitmap for bar code strings and return
Syntax .net/com/ocx: Object.ScanBarCodeFromDIB(hDIB) dll: mtScanBarCodeFromDIB(hBarcode, hDIB) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). hDIB handle (HDIB) to a device independent bitmap. Return Value -1 N/A -2 DIB is multi-plane -3 Invalid number of bits per sample -4 Memory allocation error -5 N/A -6,-7,-8 Invalid license key. Remarks Scan the specified device independent bitmap for bar code strings and return the
Syntax .net/com/java/ocx: SetScanRect(tlx, tly, brx, bry, mode) dll: mtSetScanRect(hBarcode, tlx, tly, brx, bry, mode) Parameters hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only). tlx x coordinate of top left hand corner tly y coordinate of top left hand corner brx x coordinate of bottom right hand corner bry y coordinate of bottom right hand corner mode mapping mode (see below)
1. Datamatrix Barcode Support Support has been added for Datamatrix ECC 200 barcodes. To enable the reading of datamatrix barcodes please set the ReadDataMatrix property to True. 2. Memory leak fix Previous versions of the toolkit contained a memory leak if SkewTolerance > 0 and UseOverSampling was set to True or 1. 3. Support for