The following VBScript shows how to create a tool that will read the value of a barcode from an image and write the value to a text file. Make sure that SofteATL.dll has been registered before attempting to run. This can be done by right clicking on REGISTER.BAT and selecting “Run as Administrator”. myscript.vbs Dim
We often receive emails asking us to explain why our SDK is unable to decode a barcode from an attached image, and the answer is often that the resolution of the image is too low; but why does image resolution play such an important role in the decoding of a barcode? What is resolution? For
The SoftekBarcode.dll includes a set of functions suitable for use in multi-threaded applications. The multi-threaded functions all require a handle to the toolkit. This is created using the mtCreateBarcodeSession function and released using the mtDestroyBarcodeSession function: hBarcode = mtCreateBarcodeInstance() nBarcodes = mtScanBarCode(hBarcode, “input.tif”) …process the result in some way mtDestroyBarcodeInstance(hBarcode) All the multi-threaded functions
Detailed description of work-around for AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer problem in IOS 4.1 IOS 4.1 seems to contain a critical bug in the AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer which causes app’s to freeze when an instance of the class is created. The normal way to use AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer is as follows: // Create the session session = [[AVCaptureSession alloc] init]; // Configure
Following testing on iPhone OS 4.0 beta, the following problems were identified in version 7.3.1d of the SDK and have been corrected in version 7.3.1e: 1. Sample XCode application aborting with error EXEC_BAD_ACCESS. 2. Sample XCode applications froze when Cancel button touched in camera view finder. Both of the above problems were corrected by changes to
Version 7.3.1 was released on February 30th March 2010. Release notes available here. Please note this is no longer the latest version. 1. GS-1 Databar GS-1 Databar support has been added to toolkit. This includes RSS-14, RSS-14 Stacked, RSS Truncated, RSS Limited, RSS Expanded and RSS Expanded Stacked. There is also support for supplemental information
A UPC-E barcode is actually an EAN-13/UPC-A barcode that has had certain digits removed to create an 8 digit number. Only certain EAN-13/UPC-A barcodes can go through this process. For example, the UPC-A barcode “023456000073 ” can be suppressed to the UPC-E value “02345673” and restored to it’s original value by the barcode reader. The Softek
Version 7.3.1 was released on February 3rd 2010. Release notes available here. Please not this is no longer the latest version. 1. GS-1 Databar GS-1 Databar support has been added to toolkit in the new version. This includes RSS-14, RSS-14 Stacked, RSS Truncated, RSS Limited, RSS Expanded and RSS Expanded Stacked. There is also support
When distributing SoftekBarcodeLib2.dll you may find that you get a “side by side” error message which references the component. For Version 7.4.1 and later… For x86 based systems, the solution is to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) from the following link: For x64 based systems, the solution is to install the Microsoft
This article explains how to correlate the output files produced during a tiff split process against the barcode values returned by GetBarString. The algorithm shown here assumes default split mode (TiffSplitMode = 0) and handles multiple barcodes on a single page and the possibility of no barcode on the first page. The code below uses