BardecodeFiler released
We are pleased to announce the release of BardecodeFiler version The main difference is that this version uses .Net 4 rather than .Net 3.5.
Here is a complete list of changes…
BardecodeFiler now uses the .Net 4 framework.
Option for adding date/time and page count fields to results.csv log file.
Added %UID token – this holds a unique id (within a batch) for each split and can be used for collating sequencing of jpg files with separator sheets into multi-page PDF or TIF files.
The version of the Debenu library has been upgraded to 13.12.
Direct access Debenu functions are now used where possible, which allows processing of larger files.
The FVALUE token now has invalid characters filtered correctly.
The output folder for bardecodefiler.log, results.csv and custom log files can now be set in Options/Folders/Locations.
Error codes returned from the scanning process are now displayed correctly.