Getting the Color Right... with Barcodes
One American hardware outlet has recently announced that with the use of barcodes customers will be able to ensure they get exactly the right color. It is all too common for the average Joe doing his DIY, to get halfway through that final wall and run out of paint, only to find that you can’t find the exact color you need! A small change in shade could lead to years of slight annoyance (can’t be dealing with slight annoyance now can we?!).
Through using barcodes the store can show the exact mix of pigments in each tin to ensure an exact match. This practical application shows how versatile barcodes can be, a normal label could not cope with the vast versatility of color. This could be the same in any business, using many different forms and documents which take large amounts of time to process. Through an automated process, whether it be paint or documents, a company can ensure that the job is done precisely and efficiently.