Codabar start/stop characters
We often receive emails suggesting that the SDK is outputting incorrect characters at the start or end of a Codabar barcode. This is normally down to confusion over how codabar characters should be interpreted at the end of a barcode….
Codabar barcodes can start and end with with of 4 patterns:
bars 0100, Spaces 011 = a or A or t or T
Bars 0001, Spaces 110 = b or B or n or N
Bars 0001, Spaces 011 = c or C or *
Bars 0010, Spaces 011 = d or D or e or E
The SDK has the policy of using “a” or “b” or “c” or “d” at the start and “t” or “n” or “*” or “e” at the end, but this behavior can be changed through use of the ShowCodabarStartStop property…
0 = Don’t display start/stop characters
1 = Use “a” or “b” or “c” or “d” at the start and “t” or “n” or “*” or “e” at the end (default)
2 = Use “A” or “B” or “C” or “D” at the start and “T” or “N” or “*” or “E” at the end
3 = Use “A” or “B” or “C” or “D” at the start and end.
So if you have a Codabar barcode that has the printed text A12345A underneath then the following values of ShowCodabarStartStop will output the text….
0 = 12345
1 = a12345t
2 = A12345T
3 = A12345A