ScanBarCodeFromDIB - scan a DIB for barcodes
.net/com/ocx: Object.ScanBarCodeFromDIB(hDIB)
dll: mtScanBarCodeFromDIB(hBarcode, hDIB)
hBarcode Handle to an instance of the barcode toolkit (dll only).
hDIB handle (HDIB) to a device independent bitmap.
Return Value
-1 N/A
-2 DIB is multi-plane
-3 Invalid number of bits per sample
-4 Memory allocation error
-5 N/A
-6,-7,-8 Invalid license key.
Scan the specified device independent bitmap for bar code strings and return the number of bar codes found. The image must be single plane. A device independent barcode can be created by calling the Windows GDI function CreateDIBSection. Note that the function will stop when the first barcode is found in a document unless the MulipleRead property is set to True.
See also ScanBarCodeFromBitmap
Win32 dll declarations:
Private Declare Function mtScanBarCodeFromDIB Lib “SoftekBarcode” (ByVal hBarcode As System.IntPtr, ByVal hDIB As IntPtr) As Short
Visual C++:
extern “C” {
short __stdcall mtScanBarCodeFromDIB(HANDLE hBarcode, long hDIB);