Version 7.2.1 of the toolkit released
1. Datamatrix Barcode Support Support has been added for Datamatrix ECC 200 barcodes. To enable the reading of datamatrix barcodes please set the ReadDataMatrix property to True.
2. Memory leak fix Previous versions of the toolkit contained a memory leak if SkewTolerance > 0 and UseOverSampling was set to True or 1.
3. Support for 2 and 3 digit Code 25 barcodes. If MinLength is set to an appropriate value then the toolkit will recognize 2 and 3 digit Code-25 barcodes.
4. Potential memory over-run when reading micro-PDF417 barcodes fixed.
5. Output of split files in PDF Format A potential memory exception has been fixed when export TIF split pages in PDF format.
6. Reading non-TIF files from URL’s A bug which meant that the toolkit always assumed a file read from a URL was in TIF format has been fixed.