Here’s an example of how PDF files could be handled on Docker using Ghostscript, though the same idea could be adopted for any third party conversion tool. Note that this is using SoftekBarcodeNetStandard from NuGet. 1. Add the following to Dockerfile to install Ghostscript RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ghostscript 2. Use code
The Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit can now be used with Docker and .Net with multi-platform support in a single NuGet package. Key facts: .Net Standard 2.0 Includes native DLL files for OSX, Windows (x86 & x64) and Linux (x86 & x64). Automatically selects correct native DLL at run-time (see below). Reads barcodes from TIF or
You can read a barcode from a stream (TIF/JPG or PDF) in C# using the following function to convert the stream into a byte array: private static byte[] StreamToByteArray(Stream input) { byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024]; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { int read; while ((read = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
Steps to BardecodeFiler Desktop to BardecodeFiler Service: 1. Save your current BardecodeFiler settings to an “ini” file. 2. Right click on BardecodeFiler and select “Run as admin” 3. Go to Options/Service Settings/BardecodeFiler Service 4. Import the settings from the “ini” file. 5. Adjust the input/output/processed and exception folders (they do not get imported). 6. Set
We’re pleased to announce that the Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit for Windows is now available on NuGet – the package manager for .Net at the following URL: