Version 8.4.1 of the Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit for Linux/Android/iOS/Raspberry Pi and AM has been released with the following changes: The amount of memory required on the stack for the software to run has been reduced. This had previously caused some problems when running version 8.3.3 under docker. The bardecode.a library is now built using
Version 8.4.1 of the Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit for Windows has been released with the following changes: Interfaces for .Net Core and Python have been added. The QRCodeAutoMedianFilter property in the .Net interface has been changed from bool to short. The property is in fact a mask and should not have previously been designated bool
Version of BardecodeFiler has been released with the following changes: The Debenu PDF library has been upgraded to 1711 The Softek Barcode reader DLL has been upgraded to version 8.4.1 There is now a choice of 3 render engines to choose from in PDF Options/Rendering. The render options are no longer greyed out if
Natural history collections hold vital information that is needed in order to tackle fundamental challenges of our time – from conserving biodiversity to combating disease. The Natural History Museum, London is on an ambitious journey to digitise its collection of 80 million objects. The Museum’s Digital Collections Programme was initiated in 2014, to mass digitise