It’s now easier to evaluate the Barcode Reader Toolkit. The evaluation download will provide complete functionality for 30 days from installation. No more nag screens!
Version 6.2.0 of the Barcode Reader Toolkit is now available. Highlights in this version are improved performance and regular expression matching. There have also been improvements in accuracy for Code 25, Code 128 and Code 39 barcodes. Code 39 Recognition. Further enhancements have been made to Code 39 recognition: If the Code39Checksum property is set to True then the toolkit
A new feature in Version 6.2.0 is Regular Expression matching, but what does it mean and what use is it? A regular expression is a pattern that can be used to match against a barcode string. For example, if you set the Pattern property to “^ABC[0-9]+XYZ$” then the toolkit will only report barcodes that start